Craig Hastings
Director of Photography
Australian born Craig Hastings is one of the most successful television D.O.P’s in the UK and Spain. He lives out of a suitcase, travelling the world for most of the year, but when he is not shooting he loves to edit.
Craig’s credits include: Planes, Trains and Automobiles (ITV), The Real Narcos (Ch4),
Drain the Oceans (Nat Geo), Britain's Most Historic Towns, (Ch4), Hansa Studio (Sky Arts),
The Mediterranean, Russia, Explore Turkey, Sacred Rivers, Tropic of Cancer, Indian Ocean, Caribbean with Simon Reeve (BBC2), Trevor MacDonald’s Secret Caribbean, Trevor MacDonald’s Death Row, Trevor MacDonald’s Mafia, Trevor MacDonald's Return to South Africa (ITV),
World’s Greatest Goals (Coke Worldwide), The Nativity Decoded (Ch4), The Big Art Project (Ch4), Art of China with Graham Dixon (BBC4), IT DANSA: Following the Footsteps (Odisea),
Lennon’s Piano (for singer George Michael), The Great Global Warming Swindle (Ch4),
The Real Little Britain (BBC), Gay Vicars (CH4), Secrets of Egypt (Discovery USA),
Body Talk (Ch4), Concrete Circus, Incredible Athletes, Jump London & Jump Britain (Ch4)
Colacao (Autumn 2013 spot) and the opening film for the London Paraolympics.
His work on Australia with Simon Reeve (BBC) earned him an RTS nomination in 2013.